Basile STARYNKEVITCH (CEA LIST) Infrastructure for Global Static Analysis in GCC This talk describes work in progress on an infrastructure to add global static analysis to the GCC compiler (within the GlobalGCC project funded by the ITEA programme). The motivation of this work is to provide global (whole program) static analysis, notably based upon abstract interpretation and knowledge based techniques, within the GCC compiler, targeted for analysis of medium sized C, Fortran or C++ programs. In this perspective, the emphasis is on the quality of analysis, at the expense of much bigger compilation times, without sacrificing scalability. Such analysis can be used for several purposes statically compute some interesting properties of the program at most control points (possibly reporting them the user); provide clever, contextual, warnings about possible hazards ; enable additional contextual optimisations. To facilitate the development high-level semantical analyses, a domain specific language is been developped, and is translated (thru C) into dynamically loaded code. It uses the Parma Polyhedra Library (also used in the GRAPHITE project) for relational analysis on scalars and gives more expressivity to develop analaysis algorithms. It permits multi-staged generation of the specific analysis tailored to the analyzed source code. A compiler probe facility has also been developped.