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news [2014/08/19 15:19]
news [2024/05/17 10:41] (current)
mine [News from APR]
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 <​html><​h3>​Events</​h3></​html>​ <​html><​h3>​Events</​h3></​html>​
 +  * [[https://​​| June 2017: Alea young researcher'​s workshop]]
 +  * [[https://​​~genitrini/​journeeMS/​ | May 2017: Workshop in honnour of Michèle Soria ]]
 +  * [[https://​​home/​POPL-2017 | Jan 2017: POPL 2017]]
 +  * [[https://​​web/​index.php?​id=cq| June 2015: Workshop in honnour of Christian Queinnec ]]
   * [[http://​​| June 2014: AofA 2014 ]]   * [[http://​​| June 2014: AofA 2014 ]]
-  * [[http://​​node/​132 | June 2014: Prix de thèse GPL 2014]]+  * [[http://​​node/​132 | June 2014: Mathias Bourgoin, prix de thèse GPL 2014]] 
 +  * [[http://​​~sportiello/​AleaSchool/​index_school.html | Oct 2013 : ALEA-Europe]]
   * [[http://​​pfac/​PFAC/​PFAC.html|Dec 2011: Conference in the memory of Philippe Flajolet]] ​   * [[http://​​pfac/​PFAC/​PFAC.html|Dec 2011: Conference in the memory of Philippe Flajolet]] ​
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 <​html><​h3>​APR days</​h3></​html>​ <​html><​h3>​APR days</​h3></​html>​
-  +  * Mai 2024: [[apr:​journees:​ete2024|Summer APR 2024]], organized by A. Miné 
-  * June 2014 : [[http://​​journeeAPR2014.pdf|APR-2014]],​ organized by E. Chailloux +  * June 2023: [[apr:​journees:​ete2023|Summer APR 2023]], organized by A. Miné 
-  * June 2013 : [[http://​​journeeAPR2013.pdf|APR-2013]],​ organized by E. Chailloux, P. Trébuchet +  * June 2022: [[http://​​APR/​journeeAPR2022f.pdf|Summer session]], organized by E. Chailloux 
-  * Feb 2012 : [[http://​​journeeAPRfev2012.pdf|APR-2012]],​ organized by E. Chailloux +  * July 2019: [[apr:​journees:​ete2019|Summer-APR-2019]],​ organized by A. Miné 
-  * June 2010 : [[http://​​Seminaire-2010/​programme-seminaire-apr.html|APR-2010]],​ organized by F. Peschanski, P. Trébuchet, A. Valibouze+  * Dec 2018: [[http://​​APR/​journeeAPR2018hiver.pdf|Winter session]], organized by E. Chailloux 
 +  * June 2018: [[http://​​APR/​journeeAPR2018.pdf|APR-2018]],​ organized by E. Chailloux 
 +  * May 2016: [[http://​​journeesAPR2016.pdf|APR-2016]],​ organized by E. Chailloux 
 +  * June 2014: [[http://​​journeeAPR2014.pdf|APR-2014]],​ organized by E. Chailloux 
 +  * June 2013: [[http://​​journeeAPR2013.pdf|APR-2013]],​ organized by E. Chailloux, P. Trébuchet 
 +  * Feb 2012: [[http://​​journeeAPRfev2012.pdf|APR-2012]],​ organized by E. Chailloux 
 +  * June 2010: [[http://​​Seminaire-2010/​programme-seminaire-apr.html|APR-2010]],​ organized by F. Peschanski, P. Trébuchet, A. Valibouze
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 <​html><​h3>​Seminars and working groups</​h3></​html>​ <​html><​h3>​Seminars and working groups</​h3></​html>​
-  * [[http://​​sem-comb-anal-enum.html|Combinatorics Seminar]], animated b y M. Soria and S. Corteel+ 
   * [[http://​​~chaillou/​Public/​programmation/​|"​Programming"​ working group]], animated by E. Chailloux {{rss>​http://​​feeds/​posts/​default 3 date 1h }}   * [[http://​​~chaillou/​Public/​programmation/​|"​Programming"​ working group]], animated by E. Chailloux {{rss>​http://​​feeds/​posts/​default 3 date 1h }}
-  * [[|APR Seminar ​(aka GATO), animated by B-M Bui-Xuan & A. Genitrini]]+  * [[https://​​recherche/organise-archive.php?​acronyme=APR|APR Seminar, animated ​by R. Demangeon & J. Baste (previously ​by B-M Bui-Xuan & A. Genitrini)]]
   * [[http://​​GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage User Group in Paris]], animated by F. Hivert, N. Thiéry (LRI, Paris-Sud), A. Valibouze, ...   * [[http://​​GroupeUtilisateursParis|Sage User Group in Paris]], animated by F. Hivert, N. Thiéry (LRI, Paris-Sud), A. Valibouze, ...
 +  * [[http://​​sem-comb-anal-enum.html|Combinatorics Seminar]]
 ------------- -------------
news.1408454397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/19 15:19 by emmanuel