soutenances du 3 novembre 2016 des devoirs du cours Typage et Analyse Statique salle STL à partir de 9h ------------------ 9h-9h20: REZGUI - T’FEILL :Macrofication: refactoring by reverse macro expansion 9h20-9h40: NASSER -NAZANGA : Types from data: Making structured data first-class citizens in F#, 9h40-10h: ISSA SAIDOU - NAIMA : Principal Type Inference for GADTs 10h10-10h30 : HIVERT - MERCADIER : Oh Lord, Please Don’t Let Contracts Be Misunderstood: A Variation on Old Gems 10h30-10h50 : DOUMOULAKIS - RETAIL: Java and Scala’s Type Systems are Unsound: The Existential Crisis of Null Pointers, 10h50-11h10 : BERTRANDE BALANDA - NAKAGAWA : Compact Bit Encoding Schemes for Simply-Typed Lambda-Terms 11h20-11h40 : ANTUNES DA SILVA - NEDJARI : The Gradualizer: a methodology and algorithm for generating gradual type systems, 11h40-12h : HALIFA-TRAN : Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead? 12h-12h20 : DIOUM - SIVANATHAN : Refinement Types for TypeScript, 12h30-12h50 : BERTRAND - KREBS : Type Inference for Static Compilation of JavaScript, 12h50-13h10 : CADEVALL - NOUIRA : Just-in-Time Static Type Checking for Dynamic Languages, 13h10-13h30 : CHAWKI-WAHBI : A Practical Framework for Type Inference Error Explanation, -------- 14h30-14h50 : BERREFAS - MAHAMAT: Transforming Spreadsheet Data Types using Examples, 14h50-15h10 : METGY - SOURI : Type Soundness for Dependent Object Types, 15h10-15h30 : ABDULSAMAD - MURUGANATHAN: Symbolic Abstract Data Type Inference