(************************************************************************ * * * MASTER STL - M2 * * * * Cours TAS * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * * auteur : Emmanuel Chailloux * * * ************************************************************************) (* passage O'Caml *) (* pour forcer l'ordre d'e'valuation du map on introduit un let in *) let rec map f l = match l with [] -> [] | t::q -> let u = f t in u::(map f q) ;; (* une fonction de nettoyage de fichiers *) let remove_file f = try Sys.remove f with Sys_error _ -> () ;; let rec subtract s1 s2 = match s1 with []-> [] | t::q -> if List.mem t s2 then subtract q s2 else t::(subtract q s2) ;; let list_it = List.fold_right;; let it_list = List.fold_left;; let do_list = List.iter;; let assoc = List.assoc;; let mem = List.mem;; let combine = List.combine;; let rev = List.rev;; let create_string = String.create;; let string_length = String.length;; let blit_string = String.blit;; let set_nth_char = String.set;; let sub_string = String.sub;; let get_lexeme_char = Lexing.lexeme_char;; let get_lexeme = Lexing.lexeme;; exception Error of exn * int * int;; exception Unterminated_string;; exception Unterminated_comment;; exception Unterminated_stringt;; exception Bad_char_constant;; exception Illegal_character;; type vartype = Unknown of int | Instanciated of ml_type and consttype = Int_type | Float_type | String_type | Bool_type | Unit_type and ml_type = Var_type of vartype ref | Const_type of consttype | Pair_type of ml_type * ml_type | List_type of ml_type | Fun_type of ml_type * ml_type | Ref_type of ml_type ;; type ml_expr = Const of ml_const | Var of string | Unop of string * ml_expr | Binop of string * ml_expr * ml_expr | Pair of ml_expr * ml_expr | Cons of ml_expr * ml_expr | Cond of ml_expr * ml_expr * ml_expr | App of ml_expr * ml_expr | Abs of string * ml_expr | Letin of bool * string * ml_expr * ml_expr | Ref of ml_expr (*** | Straint of ml_expr * ml_type (* nouvelle entree *) **) and ml_const = Int of int | Float of float | Bool of bool | String of string | Emptylist | Unit ;; type ml_decl = Let of bool * string * ml_expr ;; type ml_phrase = Expr of ml_expr | Decl of ml_decl ;; let new_unknown,reset_unknowns,max_unknown = let c = ref 1 and max = ref 10000 in ( (function () -> c:=!c+1; if !c >= !max then failwith "No more types"; Var_type( ref(Unknown !c))), (function () -> c:=1), (function () -> Var_type(ref(Unknown !max)))) ;; type quantified_type = Forall of (int list) * ml_type;; let rec vars_of_type t = let rec vars vl = function Const_type _ -> vl | Var_type vt -> ( match !vt with Unknown n -> if List.mem n vl then vl else n::vl | Instanciated t -> vars vl t ) | Pair_type (t1,t2) -> vars (vars vl t1) t2 | List_type t -> vars vl t | Fun_type (t1,t2) -> vars (vars vl t1) t2 | Ref_type t -> vars vl t in vars [] t ;; let subtract l1 l2 = List.flatten (List.map (function id -> if (List.mem id l2) then [] else [id]) l1);; let free_vars_of_type (bv,t) = subtract (vars_of_type t) bv and bound_vars_of_type (fv,t) = subtract (vars_of_type t) fv ;; let flat ll = List.fold_right (@) ll [];; let free_vars_of_type_env l = flat ( List.map (function (id,Forall (v,t)) -> free_vars_of_type (v,t)) l) ;; let type_instance st = match st with Forall(gv,t) -> let unknowns = List.map (function n -> n,new_unknown()) gv in let rec instance = function Var_type {contents=(Unknown n)} as t -> (try List.assoc n unknowns with Not_found -> t) | Var_type {contents=(Instanciated t)} -> instance t | Const_type ct as t -> t | Pair_type (t1,t2) -> Pair_type (instance t1, instance t2) | List_type t -> List_type (instance t) | Fun_type (t1,t2) -> Fun_type (instance t1, instance t2) | Ref_type t -> Ref_type (instance t) in instance t ;; type typing_error = Unbound_var of string | Clash of ml_type * ml_type ;; exception Type_error of typing_error;; let occurs n t = List.mem n (vars_of_type t);; let rec shorten = function Var_type (vt) as tt -> (match !vt with Unknown _ -> tt | Instanciated ((Var_type _) as t) -> let t2 = shorten t in vt := Instanciated t; t2 | Instanciated t -> t ) | t -> t;; let rec unify_types (t1,t2) = let lt1 = shorten t1 and lt2 = shorten t2 in match (lt1,lt2) with | Var_type ( {contents=Unknown n} as occn ), Var_type {contents=Unknown m} -> if n=m then () else occn:= Instanciated lt2 | Var_type ({contents=(Unknown n)} as occn), _ -> if occurs n lt2 then raise (Type_error(Clash(lt1,lt2))) else occn:=Instanciated lt2 | _ , Var_type ({contents=(Unknown n)}) -> unify_types (lt2,lt1) | Const_type ct1, Const_type ct2 -> if ct1=ct2 then () else raise (Type_error(Clash(lt1,lt2))) | Pair_type (t1,t2), Pair_type (t3,t4) -> unify_types (t1,t3); unify_types(t2,t4) | List_type t1, List_type t2 -> unify_types (t1,t2) | Fun_type (t1,t2), Fun_type (t3,t4) -> unify_types (t1,t3); unify_types(t2,t4) | Ref_type t1, Ref_type t2 -> failwith "No unification for ref type" | _ -> raise(Type_error(Clash(lt1,lt2)));; let type_const = function Int _ -> Const_type Int_type | Float _ -> Const_type Float_type | String _ -> Const_type String_type | Bool _ -> Const_type Bool_type | Unit -> Const_type Unit_type | Emptylist -> List_type (new_unknown()) ;; (** let type_instance st = match st with Forall(gv,t) -> let unknowns = List.map (function n -> n,new_unknown()) gv in let rec instance t = match t with Var_type (vt) as tt -> ( match !vt with Unknown n ->(try List.assoc n unknowns with Not_found -> tt) | Instanciated ti -> instance ti ) | Const_type tc -> t | List_type t1 -> List_type (instance t1) | Fun_type (t1,t2) -> Fun_type (instance t1, instance t2) | Pair_type (t1,t2) -> Pair_type (instance t1, instance t2) | Ref_type t1 -> Ref_type (instance t1) in instance t **) let generalize_types gamma l = let fvg = free_vars_of_type_env gamma in List.map (function (s,t) -> (s, Forall(free_vars_of_type (fvg,t),t))) l ;; let rec type_expr gamma = let rec type_rec expri = match expri with Const c -> type_const c | Var s -> let t = try List.assoc s gamma with Not_found -> raise (Type_error(Unbound_var s)) in type_instance t | Unop (s,e) -> let t = try assoc s gamma with Not_found -> raise (Type_error(Unbound_var s)) in let t1= type_instance t and t2 = type_rec e in let u = new_unknown() in unify_types(t1, Fun_type(t2,u)); u | Binop(s,e1,e2) -> let t = try assoc s gamma with Not_found -> raise (Type_error(Unbound_var s)) in let t0 = type_instance t and t1 = type_rec e1 and t2 = type_rec e2 in let u = new_unknown() and v = new_unknown() in unify_types(t0, Fun_type(Pair_type (t1,t2),u)); u | Pair (e1,e2) -> Pair_type (type_rec e1, type_rec e2) | Cons (e1,e2) -> let t1 = type_rec e1 and t2 = type_rec e2 in unify_types (List_type t1, t2); t2 | Cond (e1,e2,e3) -> let t1 = unify_types (Const_type Bool_type, type_rec e1) and t2 = type_rec e2 and t3 = type_rec e3 in unify_types (t2,t3); t2 | App (e1,e2) -> let t1 = type_rec e1 and t2 = type_rec e2 in let u = new_unknown() in unify_types (t1, Fun_type (t2,u)); u | Abs(s,e) -> let t = new_unknown() in let new_env = (s,Forall ([],t))::gamma in Fun_type (t, type_expr new_env e) | Letin (false,s,e1,e2) -> let t1 = type_rec e1 in let new_env = generalize_types gamma [ (s,t1) ] in type_expr (new_env@gamma) e2 | Letin (true,s,e1,e2) -> let u = new_unknown () in let new_env = (s,Forall([ ],u))::gamma in let t1 = type_expr (new_env@gamma) e1 in let final_env = generalize_types gamma [ (s,t1) ] in type_expr (final_env@gamma) e2 | Ref e -> failwith "not yet implemented" in type_rec;; let print_consttype = function Int_type -> print_string "int" | Float_type -> print_string "float" | String_type -> print_string "string" | Bool_type -> print_string "bool" | Unit_type -> print_string "unit" ;; let ascii i = let s = String.create 1 in s.[0] <- Char.chr i;s ;; let var_name n = let rec name_of n = let q,r = ((n / 26), (n mod 26)) in if q=0 then ascii (96+r) else (name_of q)^(ascii (96+r)) in "'"^(name_of n) ;; let print_quantified_type (Forall(gv,t)) = let names = let rec names_of = function (n,[]) -> [] | (n,(v1::lv)) -> (var_name n)::(names_of (n+1,lv)) in (names_of (1,gv)) in let var_names = combine (rev gv) names in let rec print_rec = function Var_type {contents=(Instanciated t)} -> print_rec t | Var_type {contents=(Unknown n)} -> let name = (try assoc n var_names with Not_found -> raise (Failure "Non quantified variable in type")) in print_string name | Const_type ct -> print_consttype ct | Pair_type(t1,t2) -> print_string "("; print_rec t1; print_string " * "; print_rec t2; print_string ")" | List_type t -> print_string "(("; print_rec t; print_string ") list)" | Fun_type(t1,t2) -> print_string "("; print_rec t1; print_string " -> "; print_rec t2; print_string ")" | Ref_type t -> print_string "(("; print_rec t; print_string ") ref)" in print_rec t ;; let print_type t = print_quantified_type (Forall(free_vars_of_type ([],t),t));; let typing_handler typing_fun env expr = reset_unknowns(); try typing_fun env expr with Type_error (Clash(lt1,lt2)) -> print_string "Type clash between ";print_type lt1; print_string " and ";print_type lt2; print_newline(); failwith "type_check" | Type_error (Unbound_var s) -> prerr_string "Unbound variable "; prerr_endline s; failwith "type_check" ;; (* let type_check e = let t = typing_handler type_expr initial_typing_env e in let qt = snd(hd(generalize_types initial_typing_env ["it",t])) in print_string "it : "; print_quantified_type qt; print_newline() ;; *) (* type_check (Const (Int 3));; type_check (Const (Float 3.2));; type_check (Abs ("x", Pair(Var "x", Var "x")));; type_check (Cond (App (Var "=", Pair(Const(Int 0), Const (Int 0))) , Const(Int 2) , Const(Int 5))) ;; type_check (Letin (true,"fact", Abs ("x", Cond (App (Var "=",Pair(Var "x",Const(Int 1))) ,Const(Int 1) ,App (Var "*" ,Pair(Var "x" ,App (Var "fact" ,App (Var"-" ,Pair(Var "x" ,Const(Int 1) ))))) )) , App (Var "fact", Const (Int 4))));; *) let initial_typing_env = ref( let mk_type (ct1,ct2,ct3) = Forall([], Fun_type (Pair_type(Const_type ct1, Const_type ct2),Const_type ct3)) in let int_ftype = mk_type(Int_type,Int_type,Int_type) and float_ftype = mk_type(Float_type,Float_type,Float_type) and int_predtype = mk_type(Int_type,Int_type,Bool_type) and float_predtype = mk_type(Float_type,Float_type,Bool_type) and alpha = Var_type(ref(Unknown 1)) and beta = Var_type(ref(Unknown 2)) in ("=",Forall([1],Fun_type (Pair_type (alpha,alpha), Const_type Bool_type))):: ("true", Forall([],Const_type Bool_type)) :: ("false", Forall([],Const_type Bool_type)) :: (map (function s -> (s,int_ftype)) ["*";"+";"-";"/"]) @ (map (function s -> (s,float_ftype)) ["*.";"+.";"-.";"/."]) @ (map (function s -> (s,int_predtype)) ["<";">";"<=";">="]) @ (map (function s -> (s,float_predtype)) ["<.";">.";"<=.";">=."]) @ ["^", mk_type (String_type, String_type, String_type)] @ [("hd",Forall([1], Fun_type (List_type alpha, alpha))); ("tl",Forall([1], Fun_type (List_type alpha, List_type alpha))); ("fst",Forall([1;2], Fun_type (Pair_type (alpha,beta),alpha))); ("snd",Forall([1;2], Fun_type (Pair_type (alpha,beta),beta))); ("ref",Forall([1], Fun_type (alpha, Ref_type alpha))); ("!", Forall([1], Fun_type (Ref_type alpha, alpha))); (":=", Forall([1], Fun_type (Pair_type(Ref_type alpha, alpha),Const_type Unit_type))) ]) ;; let add_initial_typing_env (name,typ) = initial_typing_env := (name,typ) :: (!initial_typing_env) ;; let type_check e = let et = typing_handler type_expr !initial_typing_env e in let t = et in let qt = snd(List.hd(generalize_types !initial_typing_env ["_zztop",t])) in et,qt ;; type_check (Const (Int 3));; type_check (Const (Float 3.2));; type_check (Abs ("x", Pair(Var "x", Var "x")));; type_check (Cond (App (Var "=", Pair(Const(Int 0), Const (Int 0))) , Const(Int 2) , Const(Int 5))) ;; type_check (Letin (true,"fact", Abs ("x", Cond (App (Var "=",Pair(Var "x",Const(Int 1))) ,Const(Int 1) ,App (Var "*" ,Pair(Var "x" ,App (Var "fact" ,App (Var"-" ,Pair(Var "x" ,Const(Int 1) ))))) )) , App (Var "fact", Const (Int 4))));;