Romain Demangeon

Reaching me

Mobile Fr: 0033.    

Uni : Université Pierre et Marie Curie
4 Place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05

Home :
3 rue Danton

email : romain dot demangeon at lip6 dot fr


I am currently (since 09/2013) Maître de Conférences (~ Assistant Professor / Lecturer) in the APR team inside LIP6 at Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
I am strongly interested in concurrency, process algebras: pi-calculus, session-types, type systems, verification, and full abstraction and more generally in abstract methods, fundations of programming languages and protocol design.

I took part in the OOI project, participating in the development of Scribble, a language for designing and verifying protocols.

I used to be (from 03/2013 to 08/2013) Research Associate at Imperial College, in Nobuko Yoshida's team, and before that (from 11/2010 to 02/2013) Research Assistant at Queen Mary, working with Kohei Honda until he sadly passed away.
I have defended my PhD, entitled "Termination of Concurrent Systems", in 11/2010, in the PLUME team of the Computer Science department of l'Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, under the supervising of both Daniel Hirschkoff and Davide Sangiorgi.

I am/was PC member of CONCUR 2015, SAC-SOAP 2016.

My cv.



Enseignement (in french)

MdC UPMC 2017-2018:

Presentations and other works

(Some of these links are currently broken)
