Index of values

add [Mapext.S]
add x y m returns a map containing the same bindings as m, plus a binding of x to y.

bindings [Mapext.S]
Return the list of all bindings of the given map.

cardinal [Mapext.S]
Return the number of bindings of a map.
choose [Mapext.S]
Return one binding of the given map, or raise Not_found if the map is empty.
compare [Mapext.OrderedType]
A total ordering function over the keys.
compare [Mapext.S]
Total ordering between maps.

empty [Mapext.S]
The empty map.
equal [Mapext.S]
equal cmp m1 m2 tests whether the maps m1 and m2 are equal, that is, contain equal keys and associate them with equal data.
exists [Mapext.S]
exists2 [Mapext.S]
exists2 f m1 m2 is similar to exists but applies f to pairs of bindings a1 from m1 and a2 from m2 corresponding to the same key.
exists2o [Mapext.S]
fexists2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to fexists2 f m1 m2, but accepts maps defined over different sets of keys.
exists2z [Mapext.S]
exists2z f m1 m2 is similar to exists2 f m1 m2, but returns false for physically equal subtrees without traversing them.
exists2zo [Mapext.S]
exists2zo f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to exists2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 but, similary to exists2z, f is not called on physically equal subtrees.
exists_slice [Mapext.S]
exists_slice f m k1 k2 a is similar to exists f m, but only calls f on bindings with key greater or equal to k1 and smaller or equal to k2.

filter [Mapext.S]
find [Mapext.S]
find x m returns the current binding of x in m, or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.
find_greater [Mapext.S]
find_greater k m returns the binding (key and value) in m with key strictly greater than k and as small as possible.
find_greater_equal [Mapext.S]
find_greater_euql k m returns the binding (key and value) in m with key greater or equal to k and as small as possible.
find_less [Mapext.S]
find_less k m returns the binding (key and value) in m with key strictly less than k and as large as possible.
find_less_equal [Mapext.S]
find_less_equal k m returns the binding (key and value) in m with key less or equal to k and as large as possible.
fold [Mapext.S]
fold f m a computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 a)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in m (in increasing order), and d1 ... dN are the associated data.
fold2 [Mapext.S]
fold2 f m1 m2 x is similar to fold but applies f to pairs of bindings a1 from m1 and a2 from m2 corresponding to the same key.
fold2o [Mapext.S]
fold2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 a is similar to fold2 f m1 m2 a, but accepts maps defined over different sets of keys.
fold2z [Mapext.S]
fold2z f m1 m2 a is similar to fold2 f m1 m2 a, but physically equal subtrees are ignored.
fold2zo [Mapext.S]
fold2zo f1 f2 f m1 m2 a is similar to fold2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 a but, similary to fold2z, f is not called on physically equal subtrees.
fold_slice [Mapext.S]
fold_slice f m k1 k2 a is similar to fold f m, but only calls f on bindings with key greater or equal to k1 and smaller or equal to k2.
for_all [Mapext.S]
for_all2 [Mapext.S]
for_all2 f m1 m2 is similar to for_all but applies f to pairs of bindings a1 from m1 and a2 from m2 corresponding to the same key.
for_all2o [Mapext.S]
for_all2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to for_all2 f m1 m2, but accepts maps defined over different sets of keys.
for_all2z [Mapext.S]
for_all2z f m1 m2 is similar to for_all2 f m1 m2, but returns true for physically equal subtrees without traversing them.
for_all2zo [Mapext.S]
for_all2zo f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to for_all2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 but, similary to for_all2z, f is not called on physically equal subtrees.
for_all_slice [Mapext.S]
for_all_slice f m k1 k2 a is similar to for_all f m, but only calls f on bindings with key greater or equal to k1 and smaller or equal to k2.

is_empty [Mapext.S]
Test whether a map is empty or not.
iter [Mapext.S]
iter f m applies f to all bindings in map m.
iter2 [Mapext.S]
iter2 f m1 m2 is similar to map but applies f to pairs of bindings a1 from m1 and a2 from m2 corresponding to the same key.
iter2o [Mapext.S]
iter2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to iter2 f m1 m2, but accepts maps defined over different sets of keys.
iter2z [Mapext.S]
iter2z f m1 m2 is similar to iter2 f m1 m2, but physically equal subtrees are ignored.
iter2zo [Mapext.S]
iter2zo f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to iter2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 but, similary to iter2z, f is not called on physically equal subtrees.
iter_slice [Mapext.S]
iter_slice f m k1 k2 is similar to iter f m, but only calls f on bindings with key greater or equal to k1 and smaller or equal to k2.

key_equal [Mapext.S]
key_equal m1 m2 returns true if m1 and m2 are defined over exactly the same set of keys (but with possibly different values).
key_subset [Mapext.S]
key_equal m1 m2 returns true if m1 is defined on a subset of the keys of m2 (but with possibly different values).

map [Mapext.S]
map f m returns a map with same domain as m, where the associated value a of all bindings of m has been replaced by the result of the application of f to a.
map2 [Mapext.S]
map2 f m1 m2 is similar to map but applies f to pairs of bindings a1 from m1 and a2 from m2 corresponding to the same key to construct a new map with the same key set.
map2o [Mapext.S]
map2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to map2 f m1 m2, but accepts maps defined over different sets of keys.
map2z [Mapext.S]
map2z f m1 m2 is similar to map2 f m1 m2, but physically equal subtrees are put unchanged into the result instead of being traversed.
map2zo [Mapext.S]
map2zo f1 f2 f m1 m2 is similar to map2o f1 f2 f m1 m2 but, similary to map2z, f is not called on physically equal subtrees.
map_slice [Mapext.S]
map_slice f m k1 k2 is similar to map f m, but only applies f to bindings with key greater or equal to k1 and smaller or equal to k2 to construct the returned map.
mapi [Mapext.S]
Same as, but the function receives as arguments both the key and the associated value for each binding of the map.
max_binding [Mapext.S]
Same as Map.S.min_binding, but returns the largest binding of the given map.
mem [Mapext.S]
mem x m returns true if m contains a binding for x, and false otherwise.
merge [Mapext.S]
merge f m1 m2 computes a map whose keys is a subset of keys of m1 and of m2.
min_binding [Mapext.S]
Return the smallest binding of the given map (with respect to the ordering), or raise Not_found if the map is empty.

of_list [Mapext.S]
of_list l converts an association list to a map.

partition [Mapext.S]
partition p m returns a pair of maps (m1, m2), where m1 contains all the bindings of s that satisfy the predicate p, and m2 is the map with all the bindings of s that do not satisfy p.

remove [Mapext.S]
remove x m returns a map containing the same bindings as m, except for x which is unbound in the returned map.

singleton [Mapext.S]
singleton x y returns the one-element map that contains a binding y for x.
split [Mapext.S]
split x m returns a triple (l, data, r), where l is the map with all the bindings of m whose key is strictly less than x; r is the map with all the bindings of m whose key is strictly greater than x; data is None if m contains no binding for x, or Some v if m binds v to x.