Static analysis project
Langage syntax
The language is a very small subset of C, supporting the following constructions. At the top level, we allow only declarations:
Global variable declarations with integer type (int) and an optional initializer:
int x;We assume that variables without an explicit initializer are implicitly initialized to 0.
int y = 2+2;
int x,y,z
Function declarations. Functions can return an integer (int) or no value (void). Functions also have a list of integer arguments:
int f(int x, int y)
void g()
Inside functions, we allow the following instructions:
- Blocks of instructions in curly brackets { ... }.
Assignments of an integer expression into a variable. Expressions can use the classic integer operators +, -, *, /, %. Expressions can also call functions. For instance:
x = 2 + 5;The syntax also supports the shortcuts x++, x--, x += ..., x *= ..., etc.
x = 2 * f(x, f(2 * x)-1);
Calls to functions returning no argument can appear as stand-alone instructions:
g();Note that supporting function calls (both returning a value and not) is not required as a core feature of your analyzer, but you can offer it as an extension.
Tests if then or if then else:
if (x==0) x++;Note that the condition in the if must be a boolean expression. Boolean expressions are composed of atoms comparing two integer expressions with ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=. Atoms can be combined with the boolean operators !, &&, ||. Note that, if (x), where x is an integer variable, is supported in C but not in our language. Similarly to Java, you must type if (x!=0).
if (x > 0 && x < 100) { x = 2*x; y--; } else { x = 0; y++; } -
Loops can use the while or for standard C constructions (there is no support for do ... while).
Here are some examples:
while (a<10) { a = a - 1; }
for (i=0;i<10;i++) x++;
for (;;);
The break instruction can be used to exit the innermost loop:
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
while (y<10) {
if (x>10) break;
x++; y++;
// the break jumps here
- The return instruction exits the current function. For functions returning an integer, it takes an integer expression as parameter, as in return 2+3;; otherwise, it is just return;.
Arbitrary jumps inside functions are allowed. A label (destination of a jump) is denoted with a colon, as in a:. A jump is denoted as goto a;. Both forward and backward jumps are allowed. For instance:
x = 0;
x = x + 1;
if (x > 10) goto exit;
goto loop;
x = 0;
- Local variable declarations. The syntax is similar to the syntax of global declarations, but the variable is only visible inside the current block.
Author: Antoine Miné