THE OCTAGON ABSTRACT DOMAIN LIBRARY - INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Simple installation procedure ============================= % tar xzf liboct-X.X.X.tar.gz # unpack the sources (X.X.X is the version) % cd liboct-X.X.X # go into the liboct source directory % ./configure --with-num=frac # launch the configure script % make # build liboct [ become root if necessary ] % make install # install liboct NOTE. The --with-num= option is now mandatory. Please read the section `Changing the underlying numerical domain' for more information on this option. Installing in a custom directory ================================ By default, "make install" will install liboct in the /usr/local directory. This means you must be root when calling "make install". If you are not root, or you wish to install the library in another directory, you can choose another prefix directory by using the "--prefix=DIR" option of configure, e.g.: % ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-num=frac and then proceed with "make", and "make install" as usual. Directories where all files are actually installed are derived from DIR by appending /lib (for library files), /bin (for binary files), /include/oct (for include files), /lib/ocaml (for OCaml library files), and /share/doc, for the documentation. If you install liboct on several computers with networked file-system sharing, you may want to install system-independent files (OCaml byte-code, documentation, C header files) in one directory, and system-dependent files (binary files, libraries) in another-one. You should use the "--prefix=DIR" for the system-independent files, and "--exec-prefix=DIR" for the system-dependent files. Remark that when using the "--prefix=DIR" but not the "--exec-prefix=DIR" options, all files are installed in the same DIR directory. Optimizing vs. debug version ============================ By default, debugging is enabled (-g), so that a debugger (such as gdb) can be used on the library. This often disables some of the compiler's optimizations.. If you wish to have an efficient version, use the --enable-debug=no option. Debugging will then be disabled and special optimization flags will be passed to the compiler. Using liboct ============ Now that liboct is compiled and installed, you need to know how to compile a C, C++, or OCaml program that uses the library. Thankfully, "make install" installed a simple "oct-config" program that supplies C and OCaml compile and link flags automatically. For example, you should compile C or C++ files using: % cc `oct-config --cflags` -c toto.c -o toto.o and link using: % cc `oct-config --libs` toto.o toto2.o -o totor You must include the C header file "oct/oct.h" in order to access any function in the Octagon Library. OCaml byte-code compiler need the --mlflags flag: % ocamlc `oct-config --mlflags` -c % ocamlc `oct-config --mlflags` toto.cmo toto2.cmo -o totor OCaml native compiler can also be used instead of the byte-code if you use the --with-ocamlopt flag: % ocamlopt `oct-config --mlflags --with-ocamlopt` -o totor A OCaml top-level with the Octagon Library linked in can be called using the --mltop flag: % `oct-config --mltop` All OCaml functions are defined in the module Oct which must be opened. Please, try "oct-config --help" for more informations. Compiling the documentation =========================== By default, "make" builds a documentation as a DVI file "doc_oct.dvi" from the LaTeX source file "doc_oct.tex"; "make install" then copies this documentation in PREFIX/share/oct (where PREFIX is the directory specified by the --prefix option, or /usr/local if the option is not used). You need to have latex, bibtex and makeindex installed, as well as the standard Latex packages. You may want to perform "dvips doc_oct.dvi -o", and "ps2pdf" to obtain the documentation in Postscript and PDF formats. If there is a problem generating the documentation, you should use the "--disable-doc" configure option to disable the generation. Changing the underlying numerical domain ======================================== The Octagon Library can use any of the following numerical representation: * plain integers (not most precise, but fast) * fractions (sound and precise) * floating-point numbers (sound, but may have stability problems) Numbers can be implemented by machine-integers or floats (long and double), or multi-precision numbers (using the GMP and MPFR libraries). There is no longer a default choice (due to too many people forgetting they did want a specific underlying numerical domain). You MUST use the --with-num option, in one of the following ways: * --with-num=int * --with-num=frac * --with-num=float * --with-num=longdouble * --with-num=gmpint * --with-num=gmpfrac * --with-num=mpfrfloat Please read the documentation to understand how these options affects the library. Support for OCaml and New Polka =============================== The Octagon Abstract Domain Library has support for: * a C API (also working with C++); * multi-precision numbers (GMP and its MPFR extension); * an OCaml API (in fact, a simple OCaml wrapper that calls the C API); * an interface with the New Polka library. The OCaml support needs OCaml 3.4 at least < >. When using multi-precision integers and fractions, GMP version 4.0 or above is required < >. When using multi-precision floating-point numbers, the MPFR extension to GMP is required < >. The New Polka Polyhedron Library support needs New Polka (version 1.1.0 at least, it will not work with version 1.0) < >. If the New Polka library uses the GMP library (version 3.1 at least) < >, then the Octagon Library will also need it. The configure script tries automatically to discover if it can build the OCaml and/or the New Polka supports. If OCaml, New Polka, GMP, or MPFR are installed in non-standard directories (/usr/local/opt/newpolka, for example), you may need to precise the base directory of the installation with one of the following options: * --with-newpolka=DIR * --with-gmp=DIR * --with-mpfr=DIR * --with-ocaml=DIR Headers will be searched for in DIR/include, and libraries in DIR/lib. The New Polka library can use one of the following three integers types: * long integers * long long integers * arbitrary long integers (with GMP) The default is GMP, but you can override this with one of the options: * --with-polka-num=long * --with-polka-num=longlong * --with-polka-num=gmp Of course, you must have the appropriate New Polka library (libpolyi, libpolyl, or libpolyg, depending on the value of the --with-polka-num option) present. Also note that if debugging is enabled, the configure script will search for New Polka libraries with the _debug suffix (libpolyi_debug instead of libpolyi, for example). If you want support for the New Polka OCaml library, you must also have one of libpolyi_caml, libpolyl_caml, libpolyg_caml, libpolyi_caml_debug, libpolyl_caml_debug, or libpolyg_caml_debug present (depending on the --with-polka-num and --enable_debug options). You must also have the libraries poly.cma (OCaml byte-code library) and poly.cmxa, poly.a (OCaml native code library) installed in the OCaml library directory. The resulting OCaml top-level `oct-config --mltop` will have support for the Octagon Library API, the New Polka API, and the octagon/polyhedron conversion API. Remark that the "oct-config" program adds the correct flags to link the New Polka Library (including GMP, if needed) if the New Polka support is complied in. Compiling several versions of the Octagon Library ================================================= You may want to install several versions of the Octagon Library with different options, so that you do not need to recompile the library each time you want to switch between debug/optimized, profiling/non-profiling modes, or change the underlying numerical domain used in the library (--with-num=), or in the New Polka library (--with-polka-num=). In order to do this, you simply have to perform the steps % ./configure [options] % make % make install % make clean for each set of options you want installed Do not forget to invoke "make clean" between two compilations. Then, you simply have to recall all options you want to set when calling oct-config, e.g.: % oct-config --with-num=float Beware, all options that are not set when calling oct-config are defaulted to the value they have in the _most recent_ Octagon Library installed. oct-config will issue an error message if you request a set options which are not installed. To provide this feature, the library object compiled has these options mangled in the library name. For example `liboct_qap3g.a` means: --with-num=frac, --enable-assert, enable-prof, --with-poly-num=gmp, --enable-debug (this is the default). All header files are the same, whatever the chosen options (even "oct-config.h" which is generated by the configure script). One name-mangled `oct-config` is also generated for each set of options (`oct-config-qapt3g` in our example). When calling oct-config with an option, it calls the appropriate name-mangled oct-config. If you use the OCaml binding, name-mangled module name are avaiable (for example Oct_qap3g, instead of Oct); use `oct-config --mlmodule` to guess the right module name. One name-mangled `octtop` OCaml top-level is also generated for each set of options; `oct-config --mltop` automatically choose the right one. However, the example programs (octtest for the C library, octanal for the OCaml library) are not name-mangled. They correspond to the last version of the library installed. The file is always installed, so that you can link directly against the last installed library, would you wish to bypass oct-config. Non-static functions also in also have a name-mangling prefix, so that you can link several different versions of the library with the same program (e.g. use float and fractions octagons in the same application). For example, you can do: % cc -c a.c `oct-config --cflags --with-num=float` % cc -c b.c `oct-config --cflags --with-num=frac` % cc a.o b.o -o toto `oct-config --libs --with-num=float` \ `oct-config --libs --with-num=frac` Remark, however, that one C file can only use one library version. Also, do not directly use an octagon created by one library with a function of another library; in order to convert octagons, use the marshalling facility. Other configure options ======================= Try "./configure --help" for a succinct list of all configure options. --enable-debug compiles the library with the -g option --disable-debug compiles the library with optimization --enable-assert basic argument sanity run-time checking --disable-assert very discouraged --enable-prof turns on internal memory and time profiling --disable-prof will be more efficient --with-num= choose a different numerical type --disable-polka do not try to compile the New Polka support --with-polka-num= choose a different integer type in New Polka --with-polka=DIR directory where New Polka in installed --with-gmp=DIR directory where GMP is installed --with-mpfr=DIR directory where MPFR is installed --disable-ocaml do not try to compile the OCaml support --disable-ocamlpolka do not try to compile the New Polka OCaml support --with-ocaml=DIR where to install OCaml objects --disable-doc do not generate the documentation oct_doc.dvi