Jean Mairesse, LIAFA
Jean Mairesse
- Position: Research director in CNRS
- Research unit: LIP6, UMR 7606 (CNRS - Université
Pierre et Marie Curie)
- E-mail:
- Phone number: (+33 -0) 01 44 27 87 91
- Mail: LIP6 - Boite courrier 169 - 4 place Jussieu - 75252 Paris Cedex 05 - France
- Office: 4 place Jussieu - Paris 5th district - Tower 25 or 26 - 3rd floor - office 25-26 310 -
J'ai aussi une page en français!
A list of articles (with, in general, a
gziped-postcript version of
the paper and a
postscript version of the abstract available)
is accessible.
- Scientific Coordinator for Mathematics and Computer
Institute for Mathematics)
(CNRS Institute for Computer Sciences).
- Vincent
Jugé, post-doctoral student, LSV laboratory (CNRS - ENS Cachan).
- Irène Marcovici, Maître de Conférences, Institut Elie Cartan (CNRS - Université de Lorraine).
- Hoang-Thach
Nguyen, Research assistant, Insitute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Marie
Albenque, Chargée de Recherche CNRS, LIX laboratory (CNRS -
Ecole Polytechnique).
- Thu-Ha
Dao-Thi, Chargée de Recherche CNRS, PRISM laboratory (Université de Versailles).
- Anne
Bouillard, Maître de Conférences,
DIENS laboratory (CNRS - ENS).
- Moez
Draief, Principal researcher, Huawei, Paris, France; Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, London.
- Gwénaël Régnié, PRAG, IUT
I have defended my PhD thesis in June
1995, specialty Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique. Send me an
e-mail to get a copy.
- Abstract .ps
- Table of contents .ps
I have defended my "habilitation à diriger des recherches" in
November 2006, specialty Computer Science,
University Paris 7. The document will be on line soon ...
Organization with Anne Micheli and Dominique Poulalhon of the
Conference ALEA'09,
march 10-16 2009, CIRM, Luminy.
Co-organization of the Conference
september 17-19 2008, Université de Rouen.
Organization with F. Baccelli of the Conference
Networks, june 23-28 2008, ENS, Paris.
Co-organization of the 26-th
Summer School of Theoretical
Computer Science,
Max-Plus algebra and applications in computer science
and automatic control, Noirmoutier Island, France, may 4-7 1998.
Guest editor of
Theoretical Computer Science
for a
special issue on `Max-plus algebra and its applications', to
Scientific society
- Member of the the coordination team of the
MAS group
(Modélisation Aléatoire
et Statistique) within the scientific society
SMAI (Société
de Mathématiques
Appliquées et Industrielles, french equivalent of SIAM).
Member of the
"Conseil d'Administration" of SMAI.
And also
I write my CV!
Here is a summary: I have done my PhD Thesis in INRIA
Sophia Antipolis under the supervision of
Francois Baccelli
in the Mistral research group, nowadays called
I spent a post-doctoral year in the United-Kingdom, shared
between the dead BRIMS laboratory
of HP Labs Bristol and
the Statistical
Laboratory of
Cambridge University. Since october 96, I am ``Chargé de
Recherche'' CNRS
(previously LITP),
University Paris VII. I have been promoted to "Directeur de Recherche"
in July 2007.
Last modified: October, 2016
Jean Mairesse