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Thomson TO9+ (French, Sep 1986?)
Driver name: to9p
Successor of the TO9.
We only show the difference with the TO8 and the TO9:
Please read the documentation for the to8 driver.
Despite its name, the TO9+ is much more based on TO8 technology than TO9 (same video and memory systems, same floppy controller, same mouse, similar startup menu). However, as the TO9, it is intended as a semi-professional product. It keeps the desktop look of the TO9, with the separate keyboard. It now has 512 KB of RAM (inextensible), the BASIC 512, and an integrated 3"1/2 floppy drive (double-sided, unlike the TO9 one). Also, software formerly provided in the TO9 ROM are now supplied on floppies. Finally, it has enhanced communication capabilities by integrating either a MODEM or a RS232 extension (not emulated, alas).
This MESS driver was written by Antoine Miné.
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