My research areas are at the boundary of Computer Science, Mathematics and Logics. I am interested in denotational semantics and its applications to distributed systems and functional probabilistic programming.
I am a participant of the french ANR Probabilistic Programming Semantics and PI of the french ANR JCJC S3 and of the Paris city Emergence project ReaLiSe.
Density-Based Semantics for Reactive
Probabilistic Programming, with Guillaume Baudart and Louis Mandel (Submitted)
Filtrer sans s'appauvrir : inférer les paramètres constants des modèles réactifs probabilistes, with Guillaume Baudart, Grégoire Bussone and Louis Mandel (JFLA 2023)
A reactive operational semantics for a lambda-calculus with time warps, with Adrien Guatto and Ada Vionot (JFLA 2022)
The Linear-Non-Linear substitution monad, with Martin Hyland (ACT 2020)
Taylor expansion for Call-By-Push-Value, with Jules Chouquet (CSL 2020)
- PSPACE-Completeness of a Thread Criterion
for Circular Proofs in Linear Logic with Least and Greatest Fixed Points, with Rémi Nollet and Alexis Saurin (TABLEAUX 2019)
Probabilistic Call By Push Value, with Thomas Ehrhard
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2019.
- Local Validity for Circular Proofs in Linear Logic
with Fixed Points, with Rémi Nollet and Alexis Saurin (CSL 2018)
Full abstraction for probabilistic PCF, with Thomas Ehrhard and Michele Pagani
Journal of the ACM, 2018.
Measurable cones and stable, measurable functions: a model for probabilistic higher-order programming, with Thomas Ehrhard and Michele Pagani (POPL 2018).
Mackey-complete spaces and power series - A topological model of Differential Linear Logic, with Marie Kerjean
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2018.
- Transport of finiteness structures and applications, with Lionel Vaux.
Mathematical Structure in Computer Science, 2018.
- The Free Exponential Modality of Probabilistic Coherence Spaces, with Raphaelle Crubillé, Thomas Ehrhard and Michele Pagani (FOSSACS 2017).
- Strong Normalizability as a Finiteness Structure via the Taylor Expansion of lambda-terms, with Michele Pagani and Lionel Vaux (FOSSACS 2016).
- Probabilistic Coherence Spaces are Fully Abstract for Probabilistic PCF, with Thomas Ehrhard and Michele Pagani (POPL 2014).
- The computational meaning of probabilistic coherent spaces, with Thomas Ehrhard and Michele Pagani (LICS 2011).
- A convenient differential category, with Rick Blute and Thomas Ehrhard.
Les cahiers de topologie et de géométrie différentielle catégoriques, 2012.
- Equivalence of algebraic lambda-calculi, with Alejandro Díaz-caro,
Simon Perdrix and Benoît Valiron (HOR 2010)
- Algebraic totality, towards completeness,
(TLCA 2009).
- The inverse Taylor expansion
problem in Linear Logic, with Michele Pagani (LICS 2009).
An explicit formula for the free exponential modality of linear
logic, with Paul-Andre Mellies and Nicolas Tabareau (ICALP
and its long version Mathematical Structure in Computer Science, 2018.
Distributed Systems
Nominal Logic
- Nominal Techniques in
Isabelle/HOL, with Christian Urban. (CADE 2005)
A obtenu en 2015 le prix Thoralf Skolem Award qui récompense un papier de CADE qui a passé "the test of time", en étant le papier le plus influent dans le domaine.
Book Chapter
Invited Talks
Semantics for Reactive Probabilistic Programming.. Invited talk at Topos Colloquium. (Topos Institute, online, september 2024)
Introduction aux langages de programmation probabiliste. Invited tutorial at École jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses en informatique fondamentale et ses mathématiques. (Nantes, France, June 2024)
Probabilistic Coherence Spaces. Invited talk at Workshop on Differential lambda-calculus and differential Linear Logic, 20 years later. (CIRM, Marseille May 2024)
Programmation réactive probabiliste. Invited talk at JFLA. (Saint Jacut de la Mer, France, January 2024)
Substitutions Linéaires et non Linéaires, une approche multicatégorique.. Invited talk at Journées nationales du GDR IM. (Lille, France, April 2024)
Probabilistic Programs Semantics. Invited tutorial at FOPPS Quantitative Aspects of Program Semantics, Verification and Transformation. (Bertinoro, Italy, February 2024)
Denotational Verification of Probabilistic Programming. Invited talk at Colloque on Probabilistic Programming. (College de France, Paris, June 2022)
The Linear-Non-Linear Substitution Monad. Invited talk at MFPS2020. (Paris, June 2020)
Full Abstraction, 40 years of research. Invited talk to celebrate Robin Gandy centenary. (Oxford, UK. Feb. 2020).
Keynote at the Program Transformations Workshop for Machine Learning. NeurIPS 2019, (Vancouver,
Canada, 2019).
Sémantique des programmes fonctionnels probabilistes, à la lumière de la logique
linéaire. Séminaire du cours de Xavier Leroy, sciences du logiciel au Collège de France, (Paris, 2019).
A linear logic approach to the semantics of probabilistic programs at CSL18 (Birmingham, UK, 2018).
Quantitative Semantics for Probabilistic Programing at FSCD17 (Oxford, UK, 2017).
Probabilistic Full Abstraction at Compositionality Workshop, (Simons Institue, Berkley, USA, 2016).
Probabilistic Coherent Spaces are fully Abstract at ASL13, special session on Differential Categories and Differential
Lambda Calculi, (Waterloo, Canada, 2013).
Semantics of Reactive Probabilistic Programming. (Chocola, Lyon, 2024).
A tutorial on Probabilistic Programming and
Denotational Semantics. (IRISA, Rennes, 2022)
Invited talk at SYCO 7. (Online, Tallinn, 2021)
Invited talk at YAMCATS. (Online, 2020)
Invited talk at OWLS. (Online, 2020)
Probabilistic Full Abstraction (Chocola, Lyon, 2017).
Probabilistic Call by Push Value (Workshop QSLC, CSL, Marseille, 2016).
Probabilistic Coherent Spaces vs. Probabilistic PCF, an accurate Semantics (GDR-IM, Bordeaux, 2015).
Geometrical Interpretations of Asynchronous Computability (Directed Algebraic Topology and Concurrency, Lyon 2014 et Topological Workshop of POPL14, Paris, 2014).
A Quantitative Path between Syntax and Semantics, (WIP 2013, Costa Rica - 12/2013).
Tutorial on quantitative semantics, with Michele Pagani (LOGOI, Summer School, Turino - 08/2013).
Taylor expansion, a round trip between syntax and semantics (Journées topologie en informatique - 03/2013).
Impossibilité Byzantine (Journées PPS - 09/2012).
Quantitative Semantics, from syntax to semantics (LI2012 -02/2012).
Topologie du consensus (Maths en Mouvement - Fondation de Sciences Mathématiques de Paris - 05/2011).
Sémantique Dénotationnelle (GDTLogique des élèves de l'ENS Paris - 11/2010).
Logique linéaire et sémantique différentielle et ses
notes (Choco - 22/10/2009).
- Totality, towards completeness, présentation de l'article du même nom à la conférence TLCA (Brésil - 27/06/2009).
Tutorial on the differential extensions of lambda-calculus and linear logic avec Michele Pagani, Paolo Tranquilli, Damiano Mazza (Projet Concerto - Bologne)
Totality, towards completeness. (Seminaire LiX-Typical - Séminaire LiX-MeASI - Ecole Polytechnique / Séminaire IML - Marseille)
Linearity from Mathematics to Computer Science. (Rims Kyoto - Japon)
Formule de Taylor, réseaux de la logique linéaire, réseaux différentiels. (Séminaire thésard Liafa-PPS)
Une version algébrique de la totalité. (Groupe de travail sémantique de PPS)
Développement de Taylor des programmes informatiques.
(Rencontres mathématiques de Cachan)
HDR Thesis
PhD Thesis
Master Report